Shadowstepper... Light without darkness is blinding, darkness without light is a void... I bestow upon you the power of the elements. DEFEAT THE ANGEL OF LIGHT.

Use your gun to shoot elemental bullets. Shooting your elemental bullet with another elemental bullet combines them and creates an even more powerful attack with unique effects!

Hide in the shadows to avoid the Angel's attacks and to load your gun with different elements.

The Angel will adapt to your arsenal. The only way to beat the Angel is to use different elemental combinations.

In this endless fight, how far can you go?


  • WASD to move
  • Left-click to shoot
  • Right click to cycle through loaded elements
  • R to reload
  • E to interact
  • Spacebar to hide in shadows or come out of shadow


  • Interact with the computer at the start of every level to find out which elements the Angel is weak or resistant to.
  • The Angel's BEAM OF LIGHT can hit you while you are in the shadows and will deal double damage when you are in the shadows. YOU CANNOT HIDE IN THE SHADOWS FOREVER...
  • A single elemental bullet does little damage. Shoot the elemental bullet with another elemental bullet for more damage.
  • Combining 2 of the same elemental bullets triples its damage and doubles its size.
  • Combining 2 different elemental bullets creates unique attacks.
    • Fire + Lightning  = Explosion
    • Fire + Water = Heatwave that can phase through obstacles
    • Fire + Wind = Homing Missile that does more damage the further it travels
    • Lightning + Water = Discharge explosion
    • Lightning + Wind = Lightning Wave that does more damage the further it travels
    • Water + Wind = Ice Spikes that shoot out like a shotgun
  • The Angel will enter a rage state where it becomes more aggressive and its attacks get stronger.



Shadowstepper - Game Design Document 741 kB

Install instructions

This game can be played in Google Chrome browser without downloading.

During testing, I did not discover any game-breaking bugs that make the game unplayable in Google Chrome. If any are found, I would appreciate it if you could let me know in the comments below. Thanks :)

Development log

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